Guided walks for people who’d like to get back to where they started
© 2018-2025 9walks2.download

Walk 1 - Tiny Churches

Not only does every village hereabouts have a church, but the larger farms do too, or at least used to. In a landscape which makes for pleasant walking, but lacks obvious features, they stand out despite their small size and they certainly are a varied bunch. If you don’t like churches, there are always the crops to look at - and nobody was ever chased across a field by wheat.

Walk 2 - Snipe Dales

When you’ve had enough of churches and crops, what you really need is a ruined castle, and that’s what Old Bolingbroke surprises you with. It is very ruined, pleasingly multi-coloured and free to visit. And who wouldn’t want to visit a place called Mavis Enderby?

Walk 3 - The Bain                                                                  

Wolds being characterised by a lack of water, it makes sense to follow one of the few named watercourses in the area, but calling it a river is generous. Even the bridges are superfluous to anyone wearing wellies and it does come in handy for washing the mud off. We’re back to the churches, but only two, and no castles - just a deserted village (a.k.a. a lumpy field)

Walk 4 - Waltham on the Wolds

A long and mostly level meander over arable land, with the occasional sheep/cow/horse/dog thrown in for light relief. There was once a racecourse here and there are regular encounters with the remains of the railway which once served the villages - villages not unlike Cotswold villages but with you the only tourist(s). Walk 5 - Grantham Canal Disused canals make for more enjoyable walking than active canals, what with the lush weed and the hissing swans, so make the most of this one before it becomes bare and boat-friendly again. You are probably safe with the railway - the trees have won that one.
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Eastern Wolds

Tasters not playing? Different browsers seem to handle the video clips in different ways, especially older ones. They are .webm files, which should play directly (in a new tab) in most browsers . If you are still having problems, here is a link to download (for free) all the tasters (so far) for this area in one zipped bundle.
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Guided walks for people who’d like to get back to where they started
      ©2018-2025 9walks2.download

Eastern Wolds

Walk 1 - Tiny Churches

Not only does every village hereabouts have a church, but the larger farms too, or at least they used to. In a landscape which makes for pleasant walking, but lacks obvious features, they stand out despite their size and they certainly are a varied bunch.

Walk 2 - Snipe Dales

When you’ve had enough of churches and crops, what you really need is a ruined castle, and that’s what Old Bolingbroke surprises you with. It is very ruined, pleasingly multi-coloured and free to visit. Snipe Dales proves that trees can grow in Lincolnshire in groups of more than five. And who wouldn’t want to visit a place called Mavis Enderby?

Walk 3 - The Bain

Wolds being characterised by a lack of water, it makes sense to follow one of the few named watercourses in the area, but calling it a river is generous. Even the bridges are superfluous to anyone wearing wellies and it does come in handy for washing the mud off - ploughed fields and sticky soil are a bad combination. And we’re back to the churches, but only two, and no castles - just a deserted village (a.k.a. a lumpy field). Walk 4 - Waltham on the Wolds A long and mostly level meander over arable land, with the occasional sheep/cow/horse/dog thrown in for light relief. There was once a racecourse here and there are regular encounters with the remains of the railway which once served the villages - villages not unlike Cotswold villages but with you the only tourist(s). Walk 5 - Grantham Canal Disused canals make for more enjoyable walking than active canals, what with the lush weed and the hissing swans, so make the most of this one before it becomes bare and boat-friendly again. You are probably safe with the railway - the trees have won that one.




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Problems with the taster clips? Different browsers seem to handle the video clips in different ways. They are .webm files, which should play directly (in a new tab) in most browsers . If you are still having problems, here is a link to download (for free) all the tasters (so far) for this area in one zipped bundle.
If you need just the maps for this area, so far, on their own, in one zipped bundle:


Just the Maps
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Guided walks for people who’d like to get back to where they started
© 2018-2025 9walks2.download

Walk 1 - Tiny Churches

Not only does every village hereabouts have a church, but the larger farms do to, or at least used to. In a landscape which makes for pleasant walking, but lacks obvious features, they stand out despite their small size and they certainly are a varied bunch. If you don’t like churches, there are always the crops to look at - and nobody was ever chased across a field by wheat.

Walk 2 - Snipe Dales

When you’ve had enough of churches and crops, what you really need is a ruined castle, and that’s what Old Bolingbroke surprises you with. It is very  ruined, pleasingly multi-coloured and free to visit. Snipe Dales proves that trees can grow in Lincolnshire in groups of more than five. And who wouldn’t want to visit a place called Mavis Enderby?

Walk 3 - The Bain                                                               

Wolds being characterised by a lack of water, it makes sense to follow one of the few named watercourses in the area, but calling it a river is generous. Even the bridges are superfluous to anyone wearing wellies and it does come in handy for washing the mud off - ploughed fields and sticky soil are a messy combination. And we’re back to the churches, but only two, and no castles - just a deserted village (a.k.a. a lumpy field).

Walk 4 - Waltham on the Wolds

A long and mostly level meander over arable land, with the occasional sheep/cow/horse/dog thrown in for light relief. There was once a racecourse here and there are regular encounters with the remains of the railway which once served the villages - villages not unlike Cotswold villages but with you the only tourist(s). Walk 5 - Grantham Canal Disused canals make for more enjoyable walking than active canals, what with the lush weed and the hissing swans, so make the most of this one before it becomes bare and boat-friendly again. You are probably safe with the railway - the trees have won that one.
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Eastern Wolds


Tasters not playing? Different browsers seem to handle the video clips in different ways, especially older ones. They are .webm files, which should play directly (in a new tab) in most browsers. If you are still having problems, here is a link to download (for free) all the tasters (so far) for this area in one zipped bundle.
Just the Maps If you need just the maps for this area, so far, on their own in one zipped bundle:
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